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1. Started my morning with a quick yoga fix:

It is nice to get your heart pumping first thing in the morning.

2. Today’s outfit:


Early morning, cause office wouldn’t be bearable later this afternoon, that’s why I try to start at 7 am, so I can finish earlier. By the way: this skirt was pretty snug on me a few weeks ago and today I got in without problems. That is what I call success – not a number on the scale.

3. Breakfast to go:

carrot cake outs

Carrot Cake Overnight Oats are my go to office breakfast. I used the second recipe, and also added 1/3 cup of Greek yogurt.

4. I managed to make a batch of Kabocha Fashionistas Coconut Bounce Balls :

coco ball

They are also a great snack to go option. And I am starting to enjoy the taste of stevia. It grossed me out in the beginning, but since I love to use vanilla protein powder for baking and prefer the less processed stuff I recently purchased a brown rice vanilla protein powder which has only three ingredients: brown rice, vanilla extract, stevia. It grows on me.

5. I hit the grocery store after work (and library) and got heaps of vegetables and fruits.

grocery haul

That is why I love summer: a lot of my favorite things are in season and living on mostly fresh produce is a lot cheaper. And a tip if you have a small budget and try to save money while grocery shopping: check out if you have rural stores around like an Asian, Turkish or Russian grocery store. For the whole purchase above I only paid about 15€ at my favorite Turkish grocery store.

6. Today’s Truly Committed in July challenge: Eat your veggies!

I watched this video a few days ago and was really sad that I didn’t manage to buy parsley this weekend. A huge, delicious bowl of veggie goodness! Beating the summer heat…

7. Kitty and I chill out on the cool kitchen floor, since my bedroom and office have windows on the sunny side and turn into sauna areas from 8 am to 8 pm. Thus I close the door and we stay in the kitchen and hallway all day.


Perfect conditions to work on your master thesis… right!?

8. Today was my first day of trampolining – and I did not go due to the heat and did some more yoga (especially stretching and training towards difficult poses) and a lot of squats instead. University sport – I will miss your cheapness! I don’t pay a cent for this class! … and thus can skip it if weather really doesn’t make me feel like spent the evening in a not air conditioned gym.

9. Best way to end a 33°C (91°F) day?

green smoothie

Make yourself a huge green smoothie! This one contained: 1 banana, 2 handfuls spinach, a piece of cucumber, 2 tbsp hemp protein, 1 tsp spirulina, 1 date and some water. And watch a movie everyone talks about and you haven’t seen yet: Eat Pray Love. Reading a good book is also an option – if you can fit in both: bliss!

10. Oh and before I head to bed I’d love to share my favorite blog post of the day with you:

Madam Frank on “How I Am Not Obese.” 

Goes perfectly with my thoughts on Intuitive Eating. Enjoy!