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Happy start of the week dear foodie friends! I am not going to waste too many words today – I am a bit out of breath due to double posting yesterday. I hope you are patient with me and enjoy my picture loaded Sunday recap. 

Our late morning started on the road: we headed from Jays home to my, stopping at the evil M with a delicious brunch.
breakfast pancakes

Something savory for his hangover and something sweet for my sweet tooth. Luckily I was on driving duty Saturday night and felt amazing the next morning. By the way, the M cappuccino is pretty delicious in Germany.

The rest of the afternoon was spend with my loves. Jay chillin in my bed…

jay chillin

… me being cuddled to death by Lou, who spent two days alone, since I was at my moms on Friday and at Jays on Saturday.lou

She can be such a sweetheart sometimes. (On other days she just sneaks into the kitchen and eats my pumpkin.) baking time

I also did some Sunday food prep baking Jenn’s dark chocolate banana bread.banana bread

Sadly the chocolate melted in the warm dough and I had no chunks left, but I added a few cashews and they give a nice crunch.sundown

Sunday evening was date time. We went to the movies and enjoyed a beautiful sunset on the way.

The film of choice was Kick-Ass 2, I loved the first part and the second wasn’t less stunning. Everyone who’s into comics, martial arts and geek stuff should watch it.

Enough said, I am on the run to spend another marvelous day (Monday actually 😉 ) with shopping with Sina, having coffee with another friend and doing some late evening research in the library.

Hope you have a marvelous Monday, too!